John Hancock’s MLK Scholars program aims to level the playing field for young people who do not have equal access to the work experiences and networks that are key to building long-term skills, self-confidence, and financial empowerment. In addition to a meaningful summer job experience at John Hancock’s corporate office or a community-based organization, John Hancock also provides digital financial literacy training to hundreds of students each year. Since the program’s inception in 2008, John Hancock has invested over $15 million for more than 6,000 young people.
Nonprofits can submit an interest form here to assess eligibility for a full application. We will prioritize nonprofits that align to our Impact Agenda and community investment approach , or proposed initiatives that lead to career pathways in areas relevant to John Hancock's strategic priorities.
Selected nonprofit partners begin recruiting Scholars
Mid-late June:
Nonprofit partners finalize Scholar selection and onboard as youth employees Scholars invited to complete a youth pre-summer survey
Interested candidates can review roles and apply here.
Scholars work 25 hours per week at John Hancock's Boston office or a nonprofit, including participating in professional development opportunities and digital financial education.
Program Requirements
Non‐profit organizations agree to do the following in order to ensure an appropriate and rich developmental experience for youth:
1. Recruit, select and onboard a minimum of 5 youth (“Scholars”) who fulfill the Scholars criteria:
a. Candidates are within the preferred target age range of 16-18.
b. Candidates are full time residents of the City of Boston.
c. Candidates demonstrate leadership potential or capacity in their community.
2. Follow all Federal and State laws including minimum wage laws, work hours restrictions or other youth employment laws.
3. Provide youth with substantive and engaging work for a minimum of 25 hours per week, along with professional supervision, oversight, and developmental opportunities throughout the summer.
4. Have administrative capacity to manage program reporting requirements and Scholar payroll.
a. Implement John Hancock/MLK Scholars Program media release and evaluation consent forms in the Scholars’ onboarding process.
b. Support collecting pre- and post-summer Youth Survey responses from Scholars.
c. Participate in an end of summer Organizational survey.
d. Collect and provide candidate and Scholar information for tracking and evaluation purposes.
5. Participate fully in the program:
a. Sign a Program Agreement upon acceptance.
b. Register all Scholars for the program through an online link.
c. Respond fully to MLKS communications and inquiries.
d. Attend Nonprofit Partner Meetings.
e. Ensure Scholars complete assigned online EverFi (financial literacy) modules during the work week.
MLK Scholars Program Manager:
John Hancock's Community Investment Team: