Managing your money isn’t easy. Sometimes it’s tough to keep up with bills, not overspend and save as much as you should. And all these things can really throw your budget out of whack. But the good news is that it’s never too late to turn things around and reset. And these simple tips can help get you started.
It may sound small, but just seven days without making a purchase can significantly impact your finances. It can also help you better understand and improve on any bad financial habits you may have picked up.
How to make it work:
In just one click, you can purchase pretty much anything your heart desires, which can lead you down a rabbit hole of unneeded spending. But by avoiding all the things that tempt you to buy in the first place, you’ll have a much better shot at staying within your budget.
How to make it work:
Since they’re small and easy to forget, subscription charges can inflict much more damage to your finances than other types of purchases. So it’s really important to keep a close eye on these charges before they end up eating away at your budget.
How to make it work:
It may be hard to believe, but saving money can be just as easy as spending it. To do it effectively, you’ll need to make the saving process as simple and effortless as possible.
How to make it work:
Now that you’ve got your budget under control, a great way to keep the momentum going is to lean on another person. And your significant other can be the perfect choice. They already share the same goals as you, are familiar with your finances and will benefit from your success just as much as you will.
How to make it work:
Financial planning and investment advice provided by John Hancock Personal Financial Services, LLC (“JHPFS”), an SEC registered investment adviser. Investments: not FDIC insured – No Bank Guarantee – May Lose Value. Investing involves risk, including loss of principal, and past performance does not guarantee future results. Diversified portfolios and asset allocation do not guarantee profit or protect against loss. Nothing on this site should be construed to be an offer, solicitation of an offer, or recommendation to buy or sell any security. Before investing, consider your investment objectives and JHPFS’s fees. JHPFS does not provide legal or tax advice and investors should consult with their personal legal and tax advisors prior to purchasing a financial plan or making any investment.